
Ananda – Complete Happiness.

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The state of complete happiness, otherwise notified as bliss, is unknown by almost all in this world of suffering. That which is considered happiness, upon closer inspection, is simply the negation of one form or another of suffering. Bereft of peace and resolute in a determination to obtain happiness, the logical white elephant is that such a search renders happiness as a missing component in the soul’s existence enraptured by matter.

It is plainly seen that happiness is the highest pursuit of the living entity regardless of race, gender, age, or species. All avenues of sought happiness originate as conceptions within the thinking, feeling, and willing of the living entity, once experienced, leaving further impressions of how the elusive satisfaction yearned for may be obtained. Such a fruitless search goes on and on in dull futility with not a positive experience of unfettered elation earned in the experience of the bound living entity.

The continual and unceasing pursuit of joy, indicating that such felicity must exist in an unbound condition, rallies in circles around the misconception that I am matter. It matters not, however, how many suffering kicks one receives in the undaunted pursuit of happiness; the pursuit prevails.

With sound advice from one who has been shown the door to unbounded, inexhaustible, and ever-expanding bliss, and drank deeply from such a cup, one may also experience the profundity of such felicity. In such experience, a gift bestowed through the torture of uninterrupted and unmotivated service to the personal source of all joy, the conditioned soul may become removed immediately from the heavy burden of conditional misgivings and at once enlightened in perceived brilliance, noting inherently the joy that exists not external to one’s very fabric.

Upon such experience, bliss, being inherent within the very core of the living entity, becomes manifest and drowns every sense in joy. Such bathing immediately manifests the kindness, compassion, and an unwillingness to disturb, for even a moment, the minds and hearts of anyone or anything. Being so inherently filled with joy the servant soul can do naught but manifest such joy in the face of all suffering souls trapped behind the veil, allowing at once the merciful experience of meeting face to face with the personal manifestation of the eternal bliss principle, radiating constantly with the ever-increasing flow from the supreme blissful divinity.

No more, in that state of free awareness, is the soul bound by the misconception that happiness is external and must be, nay can be, obtained through material means. It is akin to looking for one’s car keys outside under the streetlights, simply because there is some light, although one lost one’s keys inside where the light is not shining. By having the light turned on within our house we may then realise our innate blissful nature. This is not an artificial imposition, but a natural revelation obtained through surrendering oneself to the service of one thoroughly unfettered by material conditioning and absorbed in selfless service, in fact, and established irrevocably, to the supreme source of all bliss, the supreme personality.

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