
Sat - Substantiated Existence

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The substantiated existence of the soul, highlighted by our enduring the constant changes of matter levied upon our consciousness, revels in being freed from the constraints of material entrancement and absorbed in the satisfying and quenching moods of supplication to that friend we confide in our most intimate moments; the friend within the heart or core of our very being.

Such a friend may be called by reverential terms as Lord, and God, the universe, or Supreme Being; publicly decried or announced, explained eloquently or not spoken of, gifted material attributes in magnitude or none at all, personified or bereft of behaviour; yet remains a constant companion within our essence and is as inextinguishable as our very selves.

In such quiet, gentle, or aggrieved (or any varietal thereof), conversation with ‘ourselves’, we oft speak to the essential, in personage, beyond our known and limited self, in all matters that require response beyond our present capacity. Even the internal dialogue of the atheist and monist alludes to the dual synergy within and contemplates such concepts against the background of resounding and perpetual consciousness.

Such consciousness is fluid and probable in response, hitherto not subject to our controlling will as we are accustomed to in our material dictatorial endeavours. The reciprocation sought in such dialogue is experienced as a result of entreaty and sincerity of revelation, bereft of fraudulence, pared-back and innocent. Such purity, instantly recognisable and soothing, reminds the soul of a lost familiarity that is referenced in material experiential memory as innocence.

The expanding and additional realisation of such rapport is not necessarily enhanced by popular notions in various institutions and antiquated literature unless bequeathed from the mouths of such who have trodden the inner path of honesty and can shed light on all objective misconception and subjective misapprehensions.

Our determination to enter that realised state of existence, beyond the temporal flows of this mundane world, is awakened by hearing from those experienced in activity that transcends the directives orchestrated by the conditioned mind. Such activities form a rationale, based on substance beyond the confusing elements of ordinary form that are oft-misunderstood as expressions of transcendence or spiritual experience conceived by the common notion.

By trading one material form for another in jugglery of hoped-for salvation we simply cheat ourselves and misguide others from achieving substantial existence. This wrangling of matter cannot achieve the required sustenance to end the soul’s perpetual malnourishment. Only can sounds descending from beyond the measurable realms invoke a transformation of consciousness in the fallible and deliver the living entity to uninterrupted cognizant life. No intellectual conjecture can open such curtains to that unadulterated environment, nor imagine the felicity thereof.

The realm of one bereft of such contrast will always fall short of filling the unquenchable thirst perpetually driving the living entity toward imagined joys. To overcome such madness, the inured materialist must bathe in transcendental sound vibrated from the mouths of the genuinely truthful, existentially freed from mundane affection. Such curing remedy, in time, becomes the life force nourishing the soul back to actuality, just as water can turn a desert into a green field.

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