
Singular Devotion

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By attempting to pass off materially conditioned perceptions and misconceptions as being compassionate, simply because transcendence has actually escaped us, we may become busy fighting so called oppression and praising ourselves for our liberality and kindness. This is most definitely a distractive and violent waster of time.

To suggest and label those who understand the root cause of all suffering as material motivation, whatever its garb, and that the only panacea is sanga with premi-bhaktas, to be fanatics, or lacking in compassion because they do not mourn for that which is not worthy of grief, is simply aparadha.

The mundanity of so called devotees who have not yet grasped the bhaktivedanta purports and simply want to wallow in materially arisen conceptions of morality, empathy and ethics, is a bane on the society of actual vaisnavas.

We should not aim at being compassionate, kind, sympathetic, forgiving, loving, gentle, considered, peaceful, warriors of injustice, fighters of apparent oppression, saviours for mundane causes, philanthropists, altruists, openers of hospitals, sympathisers at funerals, well-wishes at birthdays, polite adherents to social customs, followers of traditions, political reformers, patriotic champions, or any admired or famed virtuous act designed to appease the discomforts and inconveniences of the residents of this world.


We should simply aim at surrendering fully and totally to ‘Sri Guru and Nama Prabhu and let Their desire rule our every course, our every word, our every action, even if the totality of inhabitants of this world would reject us.

Let the world shun our strict adherence to the principle of surrender, and undivided devotion and n’er be pandering to so called liberal sentiments.

Let them despise us for ignoring their constant pleas for attention with their barbarous concepts that do not seat Radha and Krishna at the centre and who avoid simple and pure service for Their only satisfaction.

For one speck of dust from that transcendental realm of Vraja is worth unlimitedly more than infinite good causes; a single word from the lips of a vaisnava is of greater value than countless compendiums of morality and good behaviour; and a fragment of a glimpse of the eternally resplendent pleasure groves of Vraja is worth more than a million lifetimes living in the palace gardens of Indra viewing the residents and the pleasures there.

Do not for a moment think that any material notion, however pious and wonderful it may seem, can ever be present in that realm of pure and unadulterated service at the feet of the gopis of Vraja.

The path to Vraja is open to all thanks to the sweet kindness of ‘Srimati Radharani. Imbued with Her mood, Krishna, appearing as Gauranga Mahaprabhu has opened the storehouse of Love of God; not ordinary love, but such love as exhibited by the Gopis of Vraja; but because we remain envious and duplicitous the way is blocked for us.

What solution is there for such poor souls as me?

Only complete and full repentance at the lotus feet of ‘Sri Guru, that premi-bhakta, the radha-priya-sakhi, and association of vaisnavas imbued with pure love of Radha-Syamasundara can open the way for us cruel and vile creatures.

Hare Krishna.

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